Monday, September 12, 2011

Rose Flower Fairness Pack

Here I am suggesting you a special fairness face pack with rose flower. Rose is a gifted flower we can utilize for our skin beauty. Any colored rose flower can be used. You can use the whole parts of flower. Just clean the flower well. Pluck out the petals and the middle portion also. Use one or two flowers. Then you need 2-3 tsp. of powdered oats. Add drops of water and mix them to make a paste. Fairness pack is ready.Before applying this fairness pack, clean your face with normal water. You can use raw milk as cleanser. Then use orange juice as toner. Then use a wet cotton to wipe your face. This is to take out clogged dirt from your skin....

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Latest Eid Summer Collection By Farida Hasan

Farida Hasan is very talented Pakistani fashion Designer. She makes each design with such attention to detail, which is evident in the fact that there are a maximum of only two outfits per design. So come be the first to grab your original “Farida hasan” dress. She has launched her Summer / Eid collection, see it bellow. ...

Natural remedy for Chapped lips:

Apply butter (pure & unsalted) or almond oil or ghee and massage gently. Massage with chilled milk cream and wash it off after 1 hour. This home remedy cures chapped lips.Massage your lips with pure olive oil or coconut oil regularly to get soft lips.Massage your lips with a little glycerin mixed with a little rose water for soft lips.Drink plenty of water to keep your lips moisturized.Grind rose petals to a smooth paste and mix it with fresh cream and apply. It cures dry or chapped lips.Application of petroleum jelly or lip balm helps cure chapped lips.Apply honey and wash it off after 15 minutes to cure chapped lipsTry changing your lipstick...

Foot Pampering At Home

One day when you are free keep some time for foot pamperingFor this you may need one large bowl.In the bowl fill with warm water. Add lemon slices. Add rose petals or few drops of rose oilIf you have forming gel add that also. Now dip your feet and splash the water to form bubbles.Keep both legs on this water for another 10 min.Now take out one foot and put on the knee of the other leg.Now you can use scrub. For that mix 4tsp.of green gram flour, 2tsp.of sugar powder, almond oil and sandalwood powder.Use this as a scrub.Scrub all over the foot with light or medium pressure.If you have cracked heel then use pumics/puming stone to rubThen after...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beauty Tip For Neck Cleaning

For beautiful neck … Apply Neck pack for reducing blackness around the neck region  If proper care is not taken, neck and the region around the neck turn black in color. It will be awkward to see difference in colors of neck and face. This problem can be rectified by taking some care and by using this pack.    *Potato – one   *Unpasteurized milk – 5 to 10 tea spoons   *Olive oil – one tea spoon   *Coconut oil – one tea spoonPotato has to be boiled and should be crushed after cooling. The outer layer should not be removed. Required amounts of milk, olive oil are to be added and made into paste. Neck...

Home Made Packs For Hands

Egg cream pack for Hands * Take only egg white in a bowl * Add 2 teaspoons of barley powder and 2 teaspoons of glycerin to it. * Also add two and half teaspoons of honey to it. * Now make the above mixture into a thick paste by adding rose water in between. * Apply this paste on the hands. *Let it stay for sometime. *Then,rinse it off with lukewarm water. Pack for soft Hands * Add 1 teaspoon of glycerin to half teaspoon of lime juice. * Also add few drops of rose water to them. * Mix well and apply on the hands. * Let it dry. *  Then,rinse it off with water. *  Repeat this daily to soften your hands. Oatmeal pack for...

Feather jewellery


wood tone necklace sets


Fashion jewellery


Monday, August 15, 2011

Belted Tops


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